Find Coordinates

Find Coordinates

Learn how to find your coordinates in Java Edition


Minecraft has a very useful menu built-in called the debug menu, which can give you all kinds of valuable information about the game. It can tell you what kind of biome you are in, what direction you are facing, and even details about the block you're looking at. Another thing that you can learn from the Debug Menu is your character's current coordinates.

Coordinates are a set of numbers that are used to represent your position in the game world, expressed in terms of how far away you are from the center of the game world. This information is valuable to have - if you know the coordinates of your base, you can use your current coordinates to help you find your way back if you get lost, or you can give them to someone else to help them find you. Let's discuss how to find those coordinates in-game!

An example of what the X, Y and Z coordinates represent in terms of the game world.
An example of what the X, Y and Z coordinates represent in terms of the game world.

Opening The Debug Menu

Press the F3 key to open/close the debug menu.
If that key doesn't work, hold down the Fn key and press F3 again.

Locating Your Coordinates

When you open the debug menu you will be shown a lot of information. To find your coordinates amidst all this text, look on the left side of the screen near the middle and find where it says XYZ. The numbers immediately following it are your exact coordinates. In the image to the right, my location is -102.717, 64.50567, -200.7.93


It's a bit of a hassle to read and type out these long numbers, so you may want to look directly below the XYZ coordinates and use the Block coordinates instead. These numbers are basically just a simplified, rounded version of your XYZ coordinates, so they'll work just as well.

Once you've got the information you need, you can close the debug menu by using the same keys that you opened it with.

Using Coordinates

One of the most common ways to use coordinates is to teleport yourself or someone else to a specific location. Not everyone has permission to teleport, so usually only server ops can do this. If you do have the power to teleport, you can do it quickly and easily using the /tp command.

To use this command, open your chat and type /tp, then type your destination coordinates. For example, typing this will teleport me to the position 500, 60, 350 as soon as I send the message:


If you want to teleport someone other than yourself, you can simply type their name in front of the coordinates, as seen below:


That's it! Once you've used these commands a few times they'll be impossible to forget, and now you know where to find your coordinates if you ever need them. Nice work!